Dating or De Facto: What's the difference?

The Family Court and Federal Circuit Court have jurisdiction to deal with the property of de facto couples who have separated. Separated couples however may not be sure whether they are ‘entitled’ to a property settlement, depending on whether or not they were living with their former partner.

So, you may ask, what is the difference between a de facto couple, as compared to a couple who has been dating?

Grandparents, Aunts or Uncles caring as parents: Should I be seeking an Order?

There are many situations that may lead to children being placed in the care of family members other than their parents. This can be through concerns for mental illness, drug or alcohol abuse, financial instability, or simply needing that extra support. But as the grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin or family friend who has the child in their day to day care; should you consider applying for a Court Order for parental responsibility?

I’ve reached an agreement with my former partner, why do I need to meet with a lawyer?

There are many advantages of obtaining independent legal advice from a family lawyer. Most importantly, you will find out whether an agreement reached between you and your former partner is appropriate, based on your individual circumstances. There are also many practical benefits to obtaining legal advice following separation which you should take into account, including: